Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Week 109 - Hipster'd

"C' beard, no hipster"

Signs that your daughter is tending towards hipster:

1. Disheveled hair
2. Disobedient attitude
2. Skinny jeans
3. White Puma tennis shoes...with velcro
4. Heart-patterned tee shirt worn with irony
5. Clothes (no matter how skinny or what pattern) which have been worn since last week's Nanner of the Week post.  

Cousins sharing guac., a chair, and a wardrobe.

Nanner agreed to change clothes and made the trip to Eastern Michigan where a real photographer captured her charm and didn't blame the hipsters.

Okay okay, there's always something to blame the hipsters for.

If you live below the Mason Dixon line, you don't get this shot.  Chalk up another point for the Midwest.

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