Monday, October 28, 2013

Week 92 - Nanner Knievel

Don't call me Super Dave.

The Evel Knievel / Barker tradition started long before the Nanner was a twinkle in her mama's eye.  Back when mama was still Rabidoux.  Call it an awesome costume that keeps on giving, or a father who has gotten too lazy and uncreative to come up with a new idea.  Milking the old one for all it's worth and proudly wearing the dirt and beer stains because the super-glued layers won't stand up to the rinse cycle.  

But the Nanner Knievel has breathed new life into daddy's old bag of tricks.  

Drinking milk for strong bones.

She was the star of Roscoe Village Halloween Fest, got way more attention than her father.  Daddy Knievel got a few head nods, a beer, and a, "great costume man" from the 40 year olds.  But it was mostly 4 year olds asking, "What are you supposed to be?"  
Ask your mom you little punk.  

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