Saturday, September 15, 2012

Week 34 - why nOt, Nanner?

"Daddy, this is the third time you put me in this outfit..."

The Nanner still has faith.  She has been dumbfoundedly glued to the television for 144 games with daddy and she still believes in Orioles Magic.  Why NOt indeed.

Meanwhile, on the homefront, the Nanner still does not understand that her crib is for sleeping.  It's late at night and she knows that the Orioles are on the West Coast playing an all important 3 game set against the Athletics.  

"But daddy, I want to stay up late and watch the Orioles too!!! 
I'm even wearing my Maryland Crab pj's!

Our Nanner is an Orioles fan.  And there is a little place in her heart for the Tigers too - especially Alan Trammell.

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