Friday, September 21, 2012

Week 35 - The Anti-Nanner

Last week, while the Nanner was rooting for the Orioles in her orange onesie, we had to correct way too many people to the fact that Anna is in fact a girl and not a cute little boy.  So this week we decided to not leave any doubt.  She's all bow'd up for the world to see - thanks Grandma!

I guess I could not help myself - as long as I was posting pictures of Nanner pretty in pink bows, I thought I would include this cute one of Wednesday night's spaghetti dinner too.  Look how she    got that sauce all over her face!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Week 34 - why nOt, Nanner?

"Daddy, this is the third time you put me in this outfit..."

The Nanner still has faith.  She has been dumbfoundedly glued to the television for 144 games with daddy and she still believes in Orioles Magic.  Why NOt indeed.

Meanwhile, on the homefront, the Nanner still does not understand that her crib is for sleeping.  It's late at night and she knows that the Orioles are on the West Coast playing an all important 3 game set against the Athletics.  

"But daddy, I want to stay up late and watch the Orioles too!!! 
I'm even wearing my Maryland Crab pj's!

Our Nanner is an Orioles fan.  And there is a little place in her heart for the Tigers too - especially Alan Trammell.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 33 - Grandmas' Nanner

"That's two Nanner posts in less than 24 hours" you say, "I thought this was called Nanner of the Week".  And "That's not your couch, what's going on?"

It's my blog and I'll do what I want.  Nanner(s) of the Week is shooting on location in Bay City Michigan.  It's the Grandma spectacular edition.  

Aimee and Anna took the train to Michigan this weekend to visit with Mimmi Rabidoux where homemade lasagna and chocolate chip cookies are always in order.

Earlier this week, Grandma Barker took Anna to the park where we heard she had fun on the swing.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week 32 - Want. To. Crawl.

Not quite yet but she is very very close.  Mayhem is about to break loose at 2112 W. Addison.

"...if I could just figure out the side-to-side thingy."

Meantime, Nanner is sharpening her Whack-A-Mole skills with an eye on cleaning out every county fair in the tri-state area.