Monday, December 30, 2013

Week 100 - Xanner-mas Centennial

Nanner explaining why the chicks dig Jesus

Nanner and Jesus shared an anniversary this week.  Nanner hit the century mark while Papa Joe posted his 104,676th Yahweh of the Week.

More Grandma, less Jesus.

Today is Christmas, and I got a box.

"But can you not also build bridges out of stone?"

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Week 99 - Warning

"99 weeks in and you're just now issuing a warning?  Ha!"

This week, for Aimee's 29th birthday, we sat on this very couch for our first ever family-of-4-portrait.  The photo below was the best of about 40 attempted and received more "likes" on the Facebook than the birth announcements of either of our children.  

"It's my birthday so it's most important that I look good." -Aimee


Inside everybody's nose,
There lives a sharp-toothed snail.
So if you stick your finger in, 
He may bite off your nail.
Stick it farther up inside, 
And he may bite your ring off.
Stick it all the way, and he
Might bite the whole darn thing off.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Week 98 - Nannermedowns

Jane, take notice.  This will be your winter coat in two years.  Poor Jane - your father feels your pain.
It's one week after Nanner's world came crashing down and overall and we're (mostly) impressed with Nanner's response.  

Though we know the day will come when I'll be in the wood shop cutting a piece of plywood to match the curvature of the car's back seat.

"Daddy thought he was being clever with this snowsuit thing but it's a cover up.  Literally.  He was too lazy to find a cute sweater (I'm wearing this one for the third time this week) and my pigtails are totally cockeyed."
Jane is cute and cuddly, yes, but by Friday some of us had Cabin Fever.  Unfortunately, when daddy and the Nanner ventured outside, the temperature was an uncooperative 12 degrees.

'And then the big brown shark came!...'

Nothing that Amazonian turtles, coral reefs, and dolphins couldn't solve.  Daddy date at the Shedd Aquarium.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Week 97 - New Nannerkin

Mama didn't say 'Simon Says'

Nannertown was invaded today by a little person who looked eerily familiar.  Familiar outfit and familiar furled brow, and a familiar favorite spot on Nanner's couch.  

"Seriously...get your own blog"

But Nanner was very sweet and helpful.  She confirmed that Jane does in fact have eyes, a nose, and inserted her finger at least a half dozen times to verify the presence of Jane's mouth. 

Ready, set, chaos.