Saturday, June 22, 2013

Week 74 - Midsummer Nanner's Dream

"It's really because I like burning witches"
("A pond, throw her into a pond!" - "What also floats in water?" - "Bread!")
Why so smug?  Nanner knows that today is the longest day of the year.  That means less sleep.  So instead of daddy reading books to the Nanner and putting her to bed, the Nanner put Baby to bed (don't mind the bed head).

"Pay attention baby...the best way to make sure your house isn't underwater."

Nanner celebrated the day by having a clothes-optional lunch date with baby McKenna.  Enjoy it while it lasts, Nanner.  Daddy gets in trouble when he shows up to lunch without pants.

Midnight snack actually

Monday, June 17, 2013

Week 73 - Michignanner

The Nanner likes to make frequent trips to Michigan to kiss babies (her cousins), eat apple pie (grandma's cookies), and stump in the community (smile at strangers on a park bench)

Unfortunately for Nanner's political ambitions, this photo all but guarantees
her loss of the conservative, minority, and Jewish vote.  If you look closely.

Nanner returned home to Illinois in time to spend Father's Day with her pops in the yard.
And then was soundly made fun of at daycare the next day
for using a lawnmower from the 1950's. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Week 72 - Nanner-Q

When was the first time the Nanner tasted BBQ?  Exactly 72 weeks ago.

"Mmm...just like the day I was born"

What does a temper tantrum at Rib Fest look like?  Luckily, we brought a camera.

The pork wasn't pulled enough, the ribs weren't baby backed enough,
beer wasn't cold enough, and coals weren't hot enough.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Week 71 - Sweet Baby Jane

(Photo correction) 

And rock-a-bye sweet baby Jane

There is a young Nanner, and here's her refrain.  Her mama and her dada are her only companions.
She yearns for a playmate since she's been abandoned, waiting for November, and a sister named Jane.

"Two balls for me and one for Baby Jane"

"Wait a minute, this isn't my daddy's grass...where am I?"