Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Week 44 - Merry Thanxmas, Nanner

Christmas came early at the grandparents' house this year, as we combined the two holidays into one get together.

Our little troll

We took advantage of warm weather - Nanner and mama took a walk with grandpa and Sydney while Audrey and Grandma and Paul and I separately got lost in the Tuckahoe woods.

"You never know when the "reflex game" will come in handy
in real-life situations.  Thanks, Dad!" - Amanda

2012 grandkid Christmas photo - 
Nanner: Chillin'
Sydney: I've got my baby (she's chillin')
Liam: Is that a Cheerio?
Lillian: $%*#! 
Amanda: (see caption above)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Week 43 - Naked Nanner

Picking out clothes that match is one of the hardest parts of Daddy Duty.  But Naked Nanner solves two problems: there is no danger of mismatched socks and when she gets blueberry all over, there is no laundry to do - we just hose her off.

"oh goodness my guinness"

Friday was NBYNTBF Day at VDT.  That's National Bring Your Nanner To Beer-Friday Day for all of you Balderdash-ers.  Aimee brought the Nanner downtown to drink beers with the VDT crew at happy hour.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Week 42 - Say Goodbye To Fun

That's right - fun time is over.  Pops installed child proof locks to the kitchen cabinets.  That means no more cookie sheets, no more cans of stewed tomatoes, and no more pinched fingers.  

So it's back to terrorizing the bookshelves, though if her vice in life is going to be books, sign me up.

We also said goodbye to Gramma Rabidoux today, after two weeks of tender loving care of the Nanner.  Thanks Gramma.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Week 41 - Nanner Pie

Suggested serving size

Nanner Pie - /ˈnanər pī
/ - (Noun): the quality of being irresistibly sweet and precious, especially when others deem it to be sleepy time.
ex:  Even though it was 5:03am and mama wanted and needed twelve to fourteen more hours of sleep, when she saw the Nanner Pie of her baby's bright smile and giggles, all was forgiven.  


Gramma Rabidoux is staying with us for a few weeks to help take care of the Nanner.  I wish this post could show how excited and smiley Anna was when we picked Grandma up from the train.