Saturday, April 28, 2012

Week 13 - Gma's Nanner

Grandma Barker came to stay with us this week.  She's in for the long haul - 6 months or so.  She is a saint.  Also, Aimee returned to work this week.  

The Nanner holding a gift from Great Gma Barker - hand made giraffe.

I was holding off on posting for this (last) week because I wanted to get a picture of her and Grandma, but it didn't work out.  Maybe for the next post.

(Here we go...)

This is straight up Grandma magic

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 12 - Travelin' Nanner

We were unsure about how Anna would handle the drive to Bay City this weekend (with a slight detour to Detroit along the way), but she was a champ.  We only stopped once for dinner (although I give Aimee credit for her creative nursing technique as we drove through Kalamazoo).  
We drove back to Detroit on Sunday for cousin Rosie's baptism.  Anna and I hung out in the lobby with the rest of the riffraff during mass (the unwed mother and son, mother with the cute biracial daughter, and a group of Guatemalans who watched through the glass window).

taken in church, right after she spit up all over her pretty dress...

Apologies if these next photos have been circulated already but they're too damn cute not to include in the Nanner of the Week.  I read in Forbes that it was because of these two pictures that Aimee took and posted to Instagram, that the company sold to Google for a billion (with a 'b') dollars.  

asian nanner, why is kevin gregg in the game nanner, 7th inning nap nanner,
blue steel nanner, gerber baby nanner, big fart nanner,
holding in a puke, are we done yet?, and pushing out a poop nanner.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week 11 - Hippity Hoppity Nanner

Hippity Hoppity Nanner's on her way.
So many things going on this weekend.  Anna celebrated the Orioles starting 3-0, she joined me at Four Moon Tavern on Saturday morning for coffee and Guinness (that's three Roscoe Village bars and counting if you're keeping track), we went for two long walks later that day while Aimee was at work, and then celebrated Easter the best way we could - by dressing her up in a cute-ass outfit that our friend Alex gave her.  

Is that a rabbit in your pocket...?

This one's fun to compare to W2 (Pitchers and Catchers Report) - look at the leg-chub she's added!

Even at 3-0, she's still doubtful about the Orioles' chances.

Didn't I say that the best Nanner photos are taken by Aimee?  She set up and took this one herself.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 10 - Double Digit Nanner

Weeks that is.  
We just found out that our friends Dom and Julie DeNooyer are having a baby boy.  They were in town from Holland, MI baby clothes shopping on Southport and in Roscoe Village and picked up a cute outfit for Anna too:

I should point out that most of the cute photos on the Nanner blog were taken by Aimee.  Mine are the ones involving the bar, liquor store, and other child friendly props.  Aimee caught this one of tummy-time earlier this week.

Like I said, Aimee catches all of the cute shots.  Including this pinwheel of ladies from last weekend when Aimee's brother and his girls came to visit.